Fiction writing is any kind of writing that is not factual. Fictional writing most often takes the form of a story meant to convey an author's point of view or simply to entertain. The result of this may be a short story, novel, novella, screenplay, or drama, which are all types (though not the only types) of fictional writing styles. Every story has the elements of fiction whether it is a short story, a novel, a play, a movie, or even a television sit-com.
1. Plot
Plot is the arrangement of events which occurred and happened in a story. It is often divided into five parts, as in pyramid, namely:
a) Exposition is the introduction of characters and setting of the story and any necessary background information.
b) Rising Action is show the problem will be arising. Rising Action, introduces the central conflict, the problem which will drive subsequent events.
c) Climax is the peak of the conflict. Climax is the most exciting point and turning point of the story. The reader wants to know what happens next.
There are types of conflict:
• Person-against-self
• Person-against-person
• Person-against-society
• Person-against-nature
• Person-against-God
• Person caught the middle
• etc.
d) Falling Action is result or effect of the conflict to the characters and setting.e) Conclusion is the end of the story where the problems is worked out.
2. Character
Character is the participant of the story. They are usually human, but can also be non-human beings, as seen in genres like science fiction or horror.
It can be divided into two:
a. Simple (flat) character is less representation of a human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude or obsession in a character. We see only one side of the character.
b. Complex (round) character is obviously more lifelike than the simple, because in life people are not simply embodiment of single attitudes. We see all side of the character.
Characterization is the way how the author conveys his character. There are two characterizations:
a. Direct (explicit) is the author simply write the character in the story.
b. Indirect (implicit) is the reader should find out the characteristic of the character by seeing their looks or appearance, speech, or words and action and also their interaction with another character.
Method of Character Portrayal
There are a number of methods available to the author to present their character. These are the methods :
a. Discursive Method is a method which the author simply tells the reader about the character.
b. Dramatic Method is a method which the author tells the character through their actions or dialogues.
c. Character on the other character is the reader knows the character based on the opinion of the other character.
d. Contextual Method is a method that tells the character by the verbal context that surround the character.
e. Mixing Method is the combination of some method which is the author used in writing the story.
3. Setting
Setting is the element of story that tells the reader the where and when of events take place. There are two types of setting:
a. Neutral Setting is the setting that describes general and simple data about the place and time.
b. Spiritual Setting is the setting that describes in more detail about the place and the time.
4. Point of View
Point of View is the way whose perspective uses to view the story. Point of view is related to the perspective. Through the character’s side, point of view can be divided into three:
a. First Person Point of View is when the author be the part of the story and referring by “I” and ‘We”.
b. Second Person Point of View is when the author refers to one of the character as “you”
c. Third Person Point of View is when every character is referred by the author as “he”, “she”, “it” or “they”.
Through the narrtor’s side, point of view can be divided into two:
a. Omniscient Narrator is when the narrator simply knows everything just like God, and he can enter the main of any character.
b. Limited Narrator is the narrator does not know anything he may appear both in story from the inside as the first person narration and from the outside as third person narration.
5. Style and Tone
Style is the manner in which the writer tells the story. There are three parts of style namely:
a. Diction is the author choice of words.
• Connotation is word which has suggestion and association.
• Denotation is has the real meaning(dictionary meaning).
• Combination is the combination of connotation and denotation.
b. Imagery is the collection of image in the entire work. There are three types of imagery namely:
• Literal Imagery involves no necessary change or extension in the meaning of the words without connotation.
• Recurrent Image consists of a number of repetitions of the same image which related to a single theme.
• Figurative image is when the story must be understood in some sense other than the literal one.
c. Syntax is the reader should find out what the author uses in his story, whether simple or complex sentence.
Tone is a quality of style that reveals the attitude of the author toward his subject and his audience. There are six parts of tone namely
a. Understatement is the author treats his subject less seriously than most authors would.
b. Irony is the author uses his subject to criticize something.
c. Hyperbole is the author uses his subject for rhetorical effect.
d. The middle style is the combination of understatement and hyperbole.
e. Sentimentality is when the material got a greater emotional burden.
f. Inhibition is the author’s failure to give emotional weight to his material.
6. Structure and Technique
a. Description is direct presentation of qualities of a person, place and thing. Description extends to the presentation of sensory qualities.
b. Narrative Technique is divided into two:
• Panoramic Technique lets the reader know where exactly the story occur or take place. It concern about the detail in explanation of the setting itself.
• Scenic Technique is the presentation of the scene from a story. This technique tends to emphasize or focus on the sequence of the scene.
c. Dialogue is the presentation in fiction of the actual words of characters speaking to one another. It uses the actual words and has function to make the story lifelike or real.
7. Theme
Theme is the total meaning of the story dicovered by the writer in the process of writing and the reader in process of reading. Theme is not the moral of the story, not the subject of the story, not also the illustration of hidden meaning in the story.
The Parakeet’s Trick
Once upon a time was a boy whose name was meseukin. One day when he was in the forest gathering the firewood, he saw many parakeets around. Meseukin wanted to catch the birds and sell them at the market.
The following day he return. Need to the forest carrying a good supply of glue. He smeared the glue on each nest. Meseukin heard one bird returned to its nest and certain that the bird got trapped. When the sun set, the remaining birds returned to the nest and all were trapped.
The parakeet king realizing that all of them had been caught in trap said, “ Be calm! Lets pretend that we all die! That man will then throw us to the ground. Since that very moment, you must begin counting. When you hear the 99th drop, you must all immedately fly away at the same time.
The following day, when the meseukin climed up the tree, and inspected the trap, he found out that all the birds were laying stiff in the nest. Meseukin thought that all were dead and dicide to throw them to the ground. Meseukin had the parakeet king in his hand when a banana fell off. The bird scatteres all over the ground thought that it was the sound of the last thrown bird and flew away accordingly. Meseukin suddenly realized that he had been tricked. Then he returned home bringing the captured parakeet king.
Meseukin reared the parakeet king and put him in a beautiful cage. A lot of people came to his house to enjoy the melodious voice of the bird and seeing its beautiful feathers. They gave mesekuin a variety of gifts that made him rich and famous.
The king heared the news of parakeet. He then summoned mesekiun to the palace. When he saw the beautiful bird and listened to its melodious voice, the king got enchanted. He decided to buy the bird.
Meseukin returned home carrying a lot of money and gifts. The king parakeet put in a luxurious cage.
Everyday the king spared his time to enjoy seeing the beautiful bird. One day his servant came to inform him that the bird died.
The king was very sad and ordered his servant to bury the bird in proper way. When the bird was about to be buried, it flew away.The parakeet could live happily again with his beloved friends.
1. Plot
• Exposition
1st to 2nd sentence:
Once upon a time was a boy whose name was meseukin. One day when he was in the forest gathering the firewood, he saw many parakeets around.
Analysis: because in these sentences the writer introduces the setting and the character of the story.
• Raising action
3rd to 30th sentence
Meseukin wanted to catch the birds and sell them at the market.
The following day he return. Need to the forest carrying a good supply of glue. He smeared the glue on each nest. Meseukin heard one bird returned to its nest and certain that the bird got trapped. When the sun set, the remaining birds returned to the nest and all were trapped.
The parakeet king realizing that all of them had been caught in trap said, “ Be calm! Lets pretend that we all die! That man will then throw us to the ground. Since that very moment, you must begin counting. When you hear the 99th drop, you must all immedately fly away at the same time.
The following day, when the meseukin climed up the tree, and inspected the trap, he found out that all the birds were laying stiff in the nest. Meseukin thought that all were dead and dicide to throw them to the ground. Meseukin had the parakeet king in his hand when a banana fell off. The bird scatteres all over the ground thought that it was the sound of the last thrown bird and flew away accordingly. Meseukin suddenly realized that he had been tricked. Then he returned home bringing the captured parakeet king.
Meseukin reared the parakeet king and put him in a beautiful cage. A lot of people came to his house to enjoy the melodious voice of the bird and seeing its beautiful feathers. They gave mesekuin a variety of gifts that made him rich and famous.
The king heared the news of parakeet. He then summoned mesekiun to the palace. When he saw the beautiful bird and listened to its melodious voice, the king got enchanted. He decided to buy the bird.
Meseukin returned home carrying a lot of money and gifts. The king parakeet put in a luxurious cage.
Everyday the king spared his time to enjoy seeing the beautiful bird.
Analysis: because we can see that the problems start arise by his willi ng to catch the birds and sells them to the market. And also in this part we can see the problem that faced by the Parakeet King.
• Climax
31st sentence:
One day his servant came to inform him that the bird died.
Analysis: because in this part, climax, we can see the peak of the problem that will effect to the character and setting.
• Falling action
32nd to 33rd sentence:
The king was very sad and ordered his servant to bury the bird in proper way. When the bird was about to be buried, it flew away.
Analysis: this part shows the effect of the climax toward setting and character:
a. The King was very sad.
b. The bird will be buried.
c. The bird flew away
• Conclusion
34th sentence:
The parakeet could live happily again with his beloved friends.
Analysis: it shows the ending of the story which is the main character was being happy.
2. Character
1. Parakeet King (Protagonist)
Type: Round Character
Analysis: because The Parakeet king has more than one characteristic. . It could seen as:
Fast responding: The parakeet king realizing that all of them had been caught in trap.
Smart: Lets pretend that we all die! That man will then throw us to the ground. Since that very moment, you must begin counting. When you hear the 99th drop, you must all immedately fly away at the same time.
Shrewd: When the bird was about to be buried, it flew away.
Patient in running his days :
a. A lot of people came to his house to enjoy the melodious voice of the bird and seeing its beautiful feathers.
b. When he saw the beautiful bird and listened to its melodious voice, the king got enchanted
See, how patient he is in running his days after he got catched by meseukin. Everyone still can hear his melodious voice.
Characterization: indirect, because the writer don’t tell the reader what character the parakeet king is
Method: dramatic, because the reader should find out the characterization by analyze through his speech, action, and interaction.
2. Mesekuin (Antagonist)
Type: Round Character
Analysis: because Mesekuin has characteristics not only one. It could seen as:
Bad: Meseukin wanted to catch the birds and sell them at the market.
Shrewd: He smeared the glue on each nest.
Careful: when the meseukin climed up the tree, and inspected the trap, he found out that all the birds were laying stiff in the nest.
Characterization: indirect characterization, because the reader should see the characteristics of the character by seeing their appearance. Method: dramatic, because the reader will know the characteristic only by seeing his speech, interaction, and action.
Method: dramatic, because readers can see the characteristic of the character through speech, action, and their interaction.
3. The King (Minor Character)
Type: Round Character
Analysis: The King has more than one characteristics. It could seen as:
Greedy : When he saw the beautiful bird and listened to its melodious voice, the king got enchanted. He decided to buy the bird.
Caring person:
1. The king parakeet put in a luxurious cage.
2. The king was very sad and ordered his servant to bury the bird in proper way
Characterization: indirect, because the writer don’t tell the reader simply about the character
Method: dramatic, because readers can see the characteristic of the character through speech, action, and their interaction.
4. Servant ( Minor,
Type: round character
Analysis: because the Servant has 2 characteristic that can be seen as:
• Faithful : One day his servant came to inform him that the bird died.
• Full trusted their king: The king was very sad and ordered his servant to bury the bird in proper way. When the bird was about to be buried, it flew away.
Characterization: indirect, because ther reader should find out the characteristic of the character by themselves.
Method: dramatic, because readers can see the characteristic of the character through speech, action, and their interaction.
5. Parakeets (Minor)
Type: Flat Character
Analysis: because the reader only see the characteristic by only one side.
◦ Full trusted their king:
When the king said that they have to pretend that they all die, mesekuin found out that all the birds were laying stiff in the nest.
(9th to 11th sentence and 15th sentence)
When the king said that they have to all immedately fly away at the same time when they hear the 99th dropped, they do it, eventhough they don’t know that the 99th dropped was bananas.
(14th sentence and 17th to 18th sentence)
Characterization:: indirect, because the writer don’t tell the reader simply about the character
Method: dramatic, because the reader should find out the characterization by analyze through his speech, action, and interaction.
3. Setting
a. At the forest
Type: neutral setting, because no spesific information about the forest included in the story.
In the forest, happened such as:
One day when he was in the forest gathering the firewood.........
When the sun set, the remaining birds returned to the nest and all were trapped.
b. At Mesekuin’s house
Type: neutral setting, because no spesific information about mesekuin’s house included in the story.
In his house happened such as:
Meseukin reared the parakeet king and put him in a beautiful cage. A lot of people came to his house to enjoy the melodious voice of the bird and seeing its beautiful feathers.
c. At the Palace
Type: neutral setting, because no spesific information about palace included in the story.
In the palace happened such as:
He then summoned mesekiun to the palace. When he saw the beautiful bird and listened to its melodious voice, the king got enchanted. He decided to buy the bird.
One day his servant came to inform him that the bird died.
d. Once upon a time
Type: neutral setting, because it does not has any spesific information.
e. One day
Type: neutral setting, because it does not has any spesific information.
f. The following day
Type: neutral setting, because it shows only general information of setting
g. On each nest
type: neutral setting, because no specific information that shown in this setting.
On each nest happened such as:
◦ Glue smeared.
◦ All the birds got trapped.
h. King Parakeet’s cage in Mesekuin’s house.
Type: neutral setting, because the writer does not tell the reader any spesific information or description about the cage. It just said as “beautiful cage”.
i. King Parakeet’s cage at the Palace
Type: neutral setting, because the writer does not tell the reader any spesific information or description about the cage. It just said as “luxurious cage”
4. Point of View
• This story’s point of view is third person point of view.
Analysis: because we can see on the story that the author uses “he” as a third person.
• The author uses the omniscient narrator
Analysis: because the narrator simply know everything just like God and he can enter main of any character and tells the reader what the character is thinking.
5. Style and Tone
• Denotation diction is used in this story.
Analysis: because the entire work using words that has dictionary meaning.
• Literal image is used in this story.
Analysis: because there is no connotation diction in the material so we do not need to change or extension in the meaning of the words.
• Syntax, the author uses complex sentence. We can see from the entire story.
• Tone, understatement uses in this story.
Analysis: because he treats the subject less seriously than most writers would.
6. Structure and technique
• Scenic tecnique
Analysis : bacause there is no simply detail of explanation of the setting. The narrator emphasize the presentation of the story.
• Dialogue
Analysis : Because we can find the dialogue in the third paragraph. “ Be calm! Lets pretend thet we all die! That man will then throw us to the ground. since that very moment, you must begin counting. when you hear the 99th drop, you must all immedately fly away at same time”.
7. Theme
The them of this story is about “the firmness of life”.
Analysis: because in this story we can see the firmness of the Parakeet King in running his live. Although he was catched by Mesekuin, he still sung melodiusly, so many people come to Mesekuin’s house to enjoyed the voice. The Parakeet King did not being stressed because of his problem happened. And also when he was being bought by the King, he still gave the melodious voice. We can see if he ready to fight with his fate and still have a clear idea to fly away.
• Simon & Schuster.1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York. Monarch Press
• Listyarini,Ika. 1997. The Parakeet’s Trick. Jakarta:balai Pustaka